Open House

Applicants are encouraged to submit supplemental materials in SlideRoom through the CommonApp. For declared incoming theatre and musical theatre majors, based upon audition, we are offering three $24,000 Nagle Theatre Major Scholarships. Applicants must have Theatre or Musical Theatre selected as their incoming major to qualify for the Nagle Scholarship. Please reach out to your admissions counselor to declare the major in theatre or musical theatre.

If you have questions about your supplemental materials, would like to email with a current student, learn more about PC TDF or would like to plan a visit, please fill out the form below.

Theatre Major Audition Requirements for Nagle Scholarship

Two (2); 1-2 minute monologues: One contemporary and one classical. Those auditioning for Musical Theatre should also prepare to sing 32 bars.

Dance Applicants

Dancers are encouraged to submit a 2-3 minute performance through SlideRoom in the CommonApp to support your admissions application.

Film Applicants

Film applicants are encouraged to upload supplemental video or portfolios to SlideRoom in the CommonApp to support your admissions application.

Contact TDF Academic Coordinator: Ali M. Boyd

Theatre, Dance & Film Department

Academic Office 401.865.2327
Production Office 401.865.2084
Box Office 401.865.2218
Smith Center for the Arts G66

Our Town (Fall 2016) Rebecca and George Gibbs contemplate the expansion of the universe from the address of a letter.
Dance Concert (Fall 2017) The fall and spring dance concert, which takes place in the Angell Blackfriars Theatre, features Dance company members performing professionally choreographed dances.
Conor Holway Class of 2018. Spring Film Festival (Spring 2018) In the annual Spring Film Festival, students write, direct, and can star in their own video productions and submit them to win prizes.
Hamlet, Bowab Studio Theatre, 2017-2018, Hamlet and Laertes duel over the loss of Ophelia and the fate of the kingdom.